Poised as the sole event space in Malaysia nestled within a private park, Sentul Pavilion was conceived as an idyllic escape from the city within the city. Tucked into an intimate pocket of the glasshouse, carved out for exclusive use, this verdant event space encompasses 10,000 sq. ft. of indoor space is prosperous in canopy trees and fragrant blooms flourish across the vista, embracing guests with an unparalleled sense of arrival.
Stepping in, guest are welcomed by a majestic, bronze-touched marble staircase that spirals up into the mezzanine, offering a stunning view of the landscape. A cosy passageway beckons into a breath-taking expanse of verdant meadows, framed by towering glass palisades and a carpet in shades of azure; delicate fountain grass surrounds the glasshouse, adding to the ethereal beauty of the space.
Sentul Pavilion
Address: Jalan Strachan, Sentul West, 51200 Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur
Contact: +603-2143 3000 / sentulpavilion@ytl.com
Photo Credit: Sentul Pavilion