As part of their mission to connect the world equitably and sustainably, edotco Group has vowed to protect the endangered birds that reside in their telecommunication infrastructures.
Asia’s leading integrated telco infrastructure services company has inked an agreement with the Malaysian Nature Society (MNS) dubbed the Bird Watch Pledge during the launch of edotco's Sustainability Blueprint, further reflecting the company’s commitment toward the conservation of Malaysia’s wildlife habitats.
Speaking on this occasion, chief executive officer Adlan Tajudin mentioned that the recent launch of the edotco Sustainability Blueprint underscores the company’s unwavering commitment to the sustainability agenda.
"Managing environmental impact is part of the environmental sustainability pillar in our sustainability strategy, and we recognise our responsibility to drive sustainable development to preserve the future of our majestic wild birds.
"With the Bird Watch Pledge, we aim to work hand-in-hand with local nature organisations to strike a balance between technological advancement and wildlife preservation."
Telecommunications towers have become the preferred breeding site for wild bird prey due to their stability, height and location, according to MNS. But due to their nests being disturbed or destroyed, this has contributed to a dwindling habitat and reduced population numbers.
edotco’s Bird Watch Pledge, established in accordance with the Wildlife Conservation Act 2010, aims to implement new policies and processes to minimise destruction to bird nests located on its towers, create awareness about the importance of raptor conservation among employees.
This means working closely with MNS, BirdLife International, the Wildlife and National Parks Department (Perhilitan), Jabatan Perlindungan Hidupan Liar and other similar organisations on relevant bird conservation programmes.
The company has said that it will also be working with MNS and Perhilitan to conduct wildlife monitoring at selected towers in key biodiversity areas and run raptor conservation awareness programmes to educate edotco employees.