As part of its efforts to create an inclusive, impactful and sustainable startup ecosystem in Malaysia, the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI) has officially launched 'MYSTARTUP NXT,' a series of micro-conferences aimed at engaging local start-ups across the nation, enabling access to the startup ecosystem support and benefits that will empower them to scale up to the next level.
An initiative conducted through Cradle Fund Sdn. Bhd. (Cradle), MYStartup NXT will be making its ways to different parts of the country, starting with Cyberjaya and proceed with Sarawak, Penang, and finally conclude in Sabah.
Ahmad Kashfi Alwi, Senior Vice President of Ecosystem Development, Cradle, commented on the benefits the MYStartup NXT series will have in enabling the growth of the country’s startup ecosystem equally and ensure that every local startup community does not miss out on receiving benefits from programmes organised by MYStartup.
The event also saw the launch of MYStartup Annual Report, which highlights the organisation’s achievements and impact on the Malaysian startup ecosystem in its first year. The Annual Report outlines MYStartup’s goals and the three strategies to achieve this – MYStartup Portal, strategic initiatives and community outreach.
“MYStartup NXT is part of the Government’s effort to cultivate accessible innovation and support long-term startup development, in line with Malaysia MADANI’s aspirations, one of which is to build an innovative and high-tech nation," said Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation YB Tuan Chang Lih Kang. "Thus, the launch of the MYStartup Annual Report today will assist the Government to realise these aspirations through high impact programmes."
In addition, MYStartup also introduced MYStartup Dev, a data-centric, community driven platform exclusively designed to connect tech talents with talent development partners and upskilling programmes. MYStartup Dev will guide and teach new skills for career advancement, nurture networking with industry experts, and stay current with the latest skills and technologies, ultimately unlocking the full potential of young local tech talents in Malaysia.
MYStartup is on a mission to create over 5,000 quality startups by 2030, and with Kuala Lumpur already being one of the top 25 emerging ecosystems globally, there is huge potential for other parts of Malaysia that must be actioned on.
Throughout the NXT tour, states and federal entities are encouraged to communicate continuously with each other to achieve the goal of cultivating and nurturing more startups throughout the country.