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Malaysian Pet-Hailing App JoJo Pets Taxi Aims For Nationwide Expansion In 2023

JoJo Pets Taxi, a Malaysian-based premium pet-hailing app, is aiming to take their services nationwide this coming 2023, as the company has been experiencing consistent 10% growth every month since its establishment in 2021.

Presently, JoJo Pets Taxi is available in the Klang Valley, and as of this month, the service has broadened its reach down South to Johor. By the second quarter of 2023, the service will be available up North in Penang.

"We are the first platform in Southeast Asia that connect pet owners with pet-related service providers," said founder K.C. Seow. "With the pet-hailing app, pet owners can make an appointment with any pet-related service providers, purchase the services via our JoJo Pets app, and our trained taxi drivers with custom-fitted vehicles for pets will provide the return-trip transportation."

To ensure top-notch service, the platform undergoes a strict process when choosing their drivers, selecting on the most passionate about animals. The drivers would have to undergo a thorough training to qualify. This includes animal behaviour, first aid, and safety.

"Over the years, the perception of pets has evolved from mere companionship to one of a much stronger emotional bond. The reason why we built JoJo Pets app is to provide ease of convenience for pet owners so that they can improve the quality of pet care without worrying about transportation," added Seow.

"We at JoJo Pets aim to drive the economy in the pet industry as more and more people open up to the idea of having pets."


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