The Greening Value Chain Programme (GVC) has been successfully rolled out by Kossan Rubber Industries (“KOSSAN”) together with its climate solutions partner, Pantas Software (“PANTAS”).
Supported by the Joint Committee of Climate Change (“JC3”) which is co-chaired by BNM and Securities Commission Malaysia, the programme aims to assist and incentivise carbon emission management among KOSSAN’s small medium enterprise (SME) suppliers, making them the strategic SME suppliers of KOSSAN and enable these suppliers to access BNM’s Low Carbon Transition Facility (LCTF) of RM2 billion to fund SMEs’ working capital or capital expenditures related to low-carbon practices at an affordable rate.
To achieve this, PANTAS, a Malaysia-based climate-tech solution, will assist the SMEs to
begin measuring GHG emissions and report on sustainability indicators in a consistent and
efficient manner to help achieve national carbon reduction targets. The SMEs will receive
free access to carbon accounting software solutions developed by PANTAS along with
training and consultation services provided by GVC service provider partners to kickstart their carbon management journey.
As Tan Sri Dato' Lim Kuang Sia, Group Managing Director and CEO of KOSSAN said in his
speech, “This programme is a great representation of KOSSAN’s values. As part of
KOSSAN’s L.I.V.E Sustainability Policy, we believe that to succeed in our sustainability
journey, we need to strengthen our partnership and collaboration."
"This programme is a win-win-win relationship for our suppliers and KOSSAN, which also benefits the environment. This is one example of our commitment to creating shared values with our partners because we believe that our sustainability journey is a path to take together”.
Following the GVC programme rollout, PANTAS and the selected service provider partners
will hold regional training sessions to equip SME suppliers with valuable insights into
climate change, including the importance and methods of carbon management and
reporting. Additionally, SMEs will gain an in-depth understanding of the assurance process
and access to climate-related financing products.
“We believe that an integrated software solution, relevant training and awareness are essential to get SMEs onboard KOSSAN’s sustainability efforts to ensure a just transition," said
PANTAS CEO and Co-founder, Max Lee. "Apart from assisting SMEs in measuring and disclosing the relevant climate data, PANTAS will also work with partners to help SMEs set and achieve carbon reduction targets.”