Bintai Kinden Corporation Bhd recently secured a contract from Tenaga Nasional Bhd (TNB) worth RM8.5 million. In a statement, the engineering services investment holding company’s subsidiary Kejuruteraan Bintai Kindenko Sdn Bhd (KBK) received a Letter of Award from TNB to support the supply, construct, test and commission of transformer, earthing transformer and single Bus Gas Insulated Switchgear in the facility at Jengka, Pahang.
Executive Director at Bintai Kinden, Azri Azerai spoke on the contract, stating that it is expected to contribute to the company’s revenue and earnings for the financial year ending March 31, 2022 (FY22) and FY23. The contract will also go to benefiting its future earnings and net assets per share.
“Inclusive of this contract, Bintai Kinden has successfully increased its outstanding order book to approximately RM113.53 million, which will provide a healthy earnings visibility for the next two years,” added Azerai.
The contract is expected to be completed 18 months from the commencement date.